iChinese: Book 2

  • Victor Siye Bao, Angela Xinghua Wu and Chen Draper
  • Cengage Learning
  • 15/1/2016
  • ISBN: 9789814687201

RRP: $56.95 (Inc. GST)


iChinese is developed by a team of three Chinese language teachers with extensive firsthand experience in preparing their students for the IGCSE Mandarin: Foreign Language and IB Mandarin: ab initio courses. This coursebook series provides teachers with a comprehensive set of ready-to-use materials to prepare students for the IGCSE examination. Themes and vocabulary adhere to the IGCSE (and IB ab initio) syllabi. Exercises are presented in actual examination formats, and full mock examination papers are provided in the course books. We believe this is by far the most focused IGCSE Chinese textbook ever published!

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